Many scholars have questioned the idea of a one religion in India. Some Indian scholars state that the term Hinduism is a misnomer because its origin derived from the word Hidu.
The early American history is closely tied with Hinduism. Unitarians represented as a small, liberal sect of American Christians. In the period following American Independence many writers showed interest in religious ideas and texts of India. They belonged to the social and religious community of New England Unitarianism. Later they entered a uniquely American religious movement. Continue reading →
There were many attempts to authenticate Jesus’ teachings and historicity. However, it is considered to be a matter of personal perspective. Ancient and modern depictions of Christ reveal his life based on scientific and mystical facts. Continue reading →
What does this phrase mean and where it came from? At first it may seem that these words have no significant meaning but they are a part of the supreme mantra in Hindu religion, or Krishnaism, characterized by the worship to Krishna. The full version is: Continue reading →
There are various factors which underlie occupational choice. I believe that social and economic environment is crucial in the establishment of the career choice. On the other hand, a person can exert vocational choice. In this context, he/she may make a wise and reasonable career choice or an unsatisfying one. Nowadays there are numerous forces which are the main determinants of occupational choice in our society. The birthright of the person is considered to be the most considerable factor in vocational choice because it constitutes the nationality, race, social belonging, family, educational and cultural possibilities for the individual, etc. An individual’s family is one of the most significant factors in the career choice.
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Nowadays, there is a tendency to emphasize self-concept as the principal target of the individual’s development. In early childhood this may cause many questions as to the child’s conception of his or her gender and sexual identity. “A child’s earliest exposure to what it means to be male or female comes from parents “(Kaplan, 1991). These issues are the consequence of early development, and thus early traumas may influence the entire gender development. “The information that surrounds the child comes within the family arena through parent-child interactions, role modeling, reinforcement for desired behaviors, and parental approval or disapproval” (Santrock, 1994). The ideas and beliefs may be changed when children move to a lager world, when they receive information through the media, and television. Continue reading →
Love, friendship, sympathy and likeness – these feelings are the brightest moments of our life. They become the source of joy and positive energy but can become the reason of big problems and disillusionment at the same time. It’s important to know the notions of these feelings and their characteristics to avoid possible mistakes. Very often lack of knowledge in this field can lead to misunderstandings and finally to poor or even tragic consequences. Continue reading →
All of us can feel happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise or anger at some time but what all these words mean? They are so-called six basic emotions and are specific reactions to particular events related to biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. There are more than a half of thousand different words in English that can describe every emotion and we have over that 40 muscles in our face to express them. Continue reading →
The United Nations (UN) relevance is a question actively doubted during the last several years. The doubts of the relevance of this organization reached their peak after U.S. starting the war in Iraq despite the protests of the UN. Statistics has shown big drop of UN popularity after the events mentioned above. Later events, such as signing up an agreement about the UN help to Iraq after the war have changed the situation and the rating of the UN but haven’t cancelled the questions of its relevance. Continue reading →
In the essay I will discuss and give the examples of the logical fallacies, which are the errors in reasoning that are usually used to support arguments. Actually they are the “arguments” that have not enough support to appear good deductive arguments. There are three main categories of logical fallacies: fallacies of relevance, presumption, and ambiguity. Fallacies of relevance rely on premises that may seem to be relevant to the conclusion of the argument but in fact they are not. The major fallacies of relevance are:
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The existing communication technologies, internet sites and online questioning give the modern companies a possibility to use not only traditional research methods, but also comparatively new and original ways of finding new ideas like, for example, crowdsourcing. This method is a key to many solutions – from finding the name for their new products to designing their look and features. Continue reading →