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Essay Samples and Examples

Essay on Love and Friendship: What is True Love?

Love, friendship, sympathy and likeness – these feelings are the brightest moments of our life. They become the source of joy and positive energy but can become the reason of big problems and disillusionment at the same time. It’s important to know the notions of these feelings and their characteristics to avoid possible mistakes. Very often lack of knowledge in this field can lead to misunderstandings and finally to poor or even tragic consequences. Continue reading

Essay. What are Emotions?

All of us can feel happiness, fear, sadness, disgust, surprise or anger at some time but what all these words mean? They are so-called six basic emotions and are specific reactions to particular events related to biochemical (internal) and environmental (external) influences. There are more than a half of thousand different words in English that can describe every emotion and we have over that 40 muscles in our face to express them. Continue reading

Essay on the United Nations

The United Nations (UN) relevance is a question actively doubted during the last several years. The doubts of the relevance of this organization reached their peak after U.S. starting the war in Iraq despite the protests of the UN. Statistics has shown big drop of UN popularity after the events mentioned above. Later events, such as signing up an agreement about the UN help to Iraq after the war have changed the situation and the rating of the UN but haven’t cancelled the questions of its relevance. Continue reading

The Bill Clinton Administration Research Paper

The presidency of Bill Clinton was characterized by highly controversial assessment and there are both admirers and severe critics of the policy held by the president administration since 1993 to 2001. Such a contrast in assessments obviously results from the work of all members of the administration but often it is personally Bill Clinton who is responsible for both successes and failures of American policy during his presidency. Continue reading

Essay on Logical Fallacies

In the essay I will discuss and give the examples of the logical fallacies, which are the errors in reasoning that are usually used to support arguments. Actually they are the “arguments” that have not enough support to appear good deductive arguments. There are three main categories of logical fallacies: fallacies of relevance, presumption, and ambiguity. Fallacies of relevance rely on premises that may seem to be relevant to the conclusion of the argument but in fact they are not. The major fallacies of relevance are:
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Searching for New Ideas with Crowdsourcing

The existing communication technologies, internet sites and online questioning give the modern companies a possibility to use not only traditional research methods, but also comparatively new and original ways of finding new ideas like, for example, crowdsourcing. This method is a key to many solutions – from finding the name for their new products to designing their look and features. Continue reading

Research Paper: Critique and Empirical Study of “Customer Experience Management”

The paper is focused on the problem of Customer Experience Management. The paper discusses the definition of the notion and its basic characteristics. Than it is analyze in relation to the marketing aspect. The paper combines both theoretical assumptions and practical examples. The general idea is that Customer Experience Management is a very perspective though not deprived of some disadvantages and needs to be modified and improved. Continue reading

Research Paper on Human Resources Management: Process-Relational Attitude Versus Systems-Control Thinking

It has become common knowledge that human resources are the main value and the main factor influencing the work of an organization; there have been created different theories on human resource management, different approaches to organizing the work of the company in order to realize maximal productivity of human resources have been worked out… but despite the numerous researches and approaches, the work of the organizations and the activity of employees have not reached the predicted optimal level. Some of the methods led to improvement of organizational structure, to the change in motivation, to strengthening and consolidation of the working teams, but the so-called “human factor”, the imperfection of ordinary working people is one of the main obstacles to optimizing productivity and perspectives of the organization. Continue reading

The Cross-Cultural Aspects of Management

What is the main difference between management and international management? The process is the same, the goals are very similar, but you need to take into account the cultural characteristics and peculiarities of people from different regions and countries. Such culture elements like language, gestures, religion, values and stereotypes of behaviour can cause serious problems in the process of communication. The representatives of different cultures often perceive and interpret the words and actions in a different way, and that may cause misunderstanding and have a negative impact on the company’s overall success. Continue reading

Essay on “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy is a Russian author whose well-known classic novels include “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”. Continue reading

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